Life Cover Intelligence
Our basic characteristic of human ‘intelligence’ is enlarged by our innate, instinctual behaviour.
It is from our human instinct, enhanced by intelligence, that a parent’s love and affection safe-guards their young family especially during their somewhat defenceless and financially dependent period of life.
If your existence and ability to work are the foundations on which you and your family rely upon to survive, it is not hard to comprehend the risk and consequences of having no safe-guards in place such as an appropriate Life insurance / Wealth Protection strategy. Without this financial protection, which effectively transfers financial risk/debt to an insurer, the impact on your family’s livelihood and well-being could be catastrophic – emotionally, physically and financially. A legacy you would not wish to leave behind.
With Robert Frost’s poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’, in mind: we may choose the road that takes us where we want to go, or one that takes us somewhere else unknown. Whichever it may be, our family is on this journey with us. In the absence of financial protection for our family through an appropriate Life cover and Wealth Protection strategy, a beneficiary can lose the ability to choose their own road in the event you are not around or disabled. Their road may crumble, narrow or fall away completely.
My profession allows me to review, form recommendations and advise on appropriate Life cover / Wealth protection strategies for my clients and also facilitate and assist in the claims process. At claim time the experience always, always evokes a common response from clients and their family, that the value extends well beyond the cash benefit received and assists in repairing their lives.
They are thankful that they were intelligent enough and had the foresight to implement and review such valuable cover.